Thursday, February 25, 2010

Surgery : Anyone can participate

It has been an eventful week! We woke up on Tuesday morning at 0500 with our house shaking. Yes, there was a tremblor estimated by one of the newspapers as a 5.4 then while at Clinca Caris that same day, we had a repeat performance, but this time 5.7. Most everyone exited the building as it was stronger and seemed to last way too long.

The next event started on Sunday, when Glenn discovered that he had a potential problem that might require surgery. When he woke up yesterday, the pain had increased and we decided to visit the local missionary surgeon in Chichi and get his opinion. That was about 1oa and by 3pm Glenn was in the OR having surgery. (not an emergency....but since Glenn hadn't eaten and the surgeon was available, everyone agreed it needed to be done. ) Gaspar and Manuel, two of our Health Promoters arrived and prayed with Glenn...then, Sheri came and sat with me during the surgery, which I really appreciated. The surgery went really well and he returned to his room smiling and talking to us, which put all of us at ease. It was wonderful to have a Christian surgeon (and first assistant who happens to be another missionary in town that we had previously met). Last evening, Glenn had a steady stream of visitors (Kemmel and Lisa, the family that we live with, and Maure, her mother and others.) The caring and concern that we felt made up for any of the miles between us and home. A huge thanks to everyone!

Glenn getting ready to go home this morning. He is definitely feeling better than 24 hrs earlier.

Arriving home from the hospital in a rather unconventional manner...via tuk-tuk. It works!

We learned again how good our Lord Jesus is and how we can be confident in knowing that we are in His care. No matter the circumstances, he is always faithful!

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