Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Dia de Madre-Mother's Day

Dia de Madre (Mother's Day) is a grand celebration in Guatemala We were surprised by the special events of the day when we arrived at church. Each women received a rose and the church had been decorated very festively by the children the day before.

Children young and old had a gift for their mothers (and husbands for their wives when children weren't present) as seen in this picture of the preacher giving his mother a gift. All mothers received a Guatemalan bible cover, which fit Neva's bible perfectly. The members laughed and clapped when I spoke a few words to Neva in Spanish after being prompted to do so by one of the members. Everyone seemed to really enjoy the special program of the day.

After the service, it was time for a tipico Guatemala meal of pepian con pollo
(a special sauce, chicken, veggies and rice) plus tortillas. All the women and children were seated and waited on by the men (a practice which I personally can not find in the Bible:) but it was the custom of the day. We had a lot of fun and there were lots of laughs. We went home feeling very much a part of our new church family.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Onto Grado B

With the tremendous help of GOD, we have passed our test on the first part of our Spanish lessons, Grado A. Neva being more gifted of tongue than me passed her test last week and I passed mine today. The next session is mostly working with verbs (verbos). There are approximately 501 verbos and we hope to learn them all (just kidding).

Enclosed is a picture of our teachers (maestras) who have patiently taught us during these past weeks. Notice they are now smiling as opposed to crying, this is a good thing, muy bien. On the left is Sandra (my teacher) and on the right is Blanca (Neva's teacher). We appreciate both of them so much for putting up with us for four hours each day and for the program at the Christian Spanish Academy, which is an wonderful way to learn a new language.