Sunday, February 14, 2010

A New Chapter

We completed the week by going to a clinic that requires us to pack the supplies and medicines though a pasture past several corn fields and to a home. The clinic is one of Neva's favorite ones as the family hosting us are very friendly and kind. She really enjoys talking with the women and playing with the dogs and a cat. In the photo below the women of the home are helping us carry supplies back to the pickup.

With Neva healthy we started to pack some of our things and made final arrangements to go to Xela to attend Spanish School. Sunday we drove on the intercostal highway and it is a beautiful drive though the mountains to Xela. At the pinnacle of the mountain their is a town called Alaska. Some time soon we will stop on the way and take a picture of the road sign to proof it really exist. Actually it is very chilly even on a sunny day in Alaska, Guatemala.

We arrived in Xela and decided to celebrate dia del Corino, Valentines Day, by going to Pizza Hut and have a pizza with fresh vegatebles and cheese. I believe on showing my sweetheart a good time on this special day. While we were eating, there was a rock band outside playing for the people and many people were gather around to enjoying the music. It was great to see people in customary dress and others very modern clothing. It takes a open mind with acceptance to constant change to go from carring our supplies in the country side though corn fields to a modern city with a rock band. Please pray our speaking Spanish can evolve this rapidly.

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