Saturday, August 8, 2009

Southern Comfort

We finished a surgery trip which completed 53 cases. The focus for surgery was for ENT, Plastic and General Surgery. The majority of team members were from the south, Alabama,Georgia,Tennessee and other states. This was the first time for many of the members and once they were assigned, they were busy at making the whole body work to the glory of GOD.

I know you have heard this before but the cases seem more difficult because of the amount of time span people have lived with the illness affecting them. Regardless God used his people to repair/remove thyroids, cleft lips, cleft plates and hernias, lumps and bumps.

It is so great to work with a group of Christ focus people who put others first. The last evening one of the anesthesia team members stated he was so move to see the staff praying with/for patients prior to going to surgery, he was going to offer to pray with patients when he went home.

We have attached some photos and one is of Rosario, one of the nurses scrubbed on a surgery case. This was her first time and she stated she really enjoyed it and I promised she could scrub again with us in October for GYN cases, when her schedule allowed.

In 2 weeks, we pray to test out of the present section of Spanish which has more verbs than Carter had pill for the aches and pains of life. It will be good to move on and expand our understanding of different tenses for speaking.

In Christ love

Glenn & Neva

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