When we are not participating with HTI medical or surgical trips we are volunteering at the Hermano Pedro Hospital here in Antigua. The hospital serves to provide care to the poor people of Guatemala locally and throughout the country. The hospital has many medical clinics, pathology, X-ray department and a 5 bed surgical suite, recovery room and some beds for overnight stays.
Neva & I are volunteering in a part of the hospital that functions as an orphanage. There are approximately 45 children in the dormitory where we volunteer ranging from 2 years of age to 28 years old. The children have a variety of disabilities including cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, downs, seizure disorders, and autism. Their extreme physical limitations make it necessary for all to be in wheelchairs except one who is autistic. Nearly all require total care.
We arrive in the early am to help feed breakfast and then provide oral care. Afterwards, we take them out on this veranda that is in the picture.... hold, talk and play with the children. It is so amazing to watch them respond to a touch, a smile, a little music or their name. We can't say enough about the Guatemalan staff that care for these sweet ones around the clock....they are truly wonderful!
While there is definitely a serious side to the work, by far, it is one of joy and many laughs. Melvin provided us with one of these moments a few days ago. He was not having a good start to his day. I began to feed him a rather large bowl of frijoles, bread, and egg when all of a sudden, he placed both hands in the bowel and then "threw his hands up with the food". SO Melvin did not want frijoles this morning! So, the staff gave me another bowl, this one, full of a liquid vegetable (high protein) mush to feed him. I placed a spoonful in his mouth, he spit it out with force and accuracy that I can only remember my Grandfather possessing. Dispite this behavior Melvin is a very sweet, joyful child.
In the Gospel of Matthew 18:10 it states"Be careful, do not think these children are not important. I tell you these children have angels in heaven. Those angels are always with my Father in heaven.